Friday, June 6, 2008

Book review on Trump Real Estate & 7 years to 7 figures

I figured that I should blog about any books that I have recently completed although it is now early in the morning. A time against my daily routine of waking up past this time and reading hte daily papers. However as I go about finishing my 3 slices of bread for breakfast, I was attracted to dawn, the first rays of light, a scene that I get to rarely see. Then I decide to read a book to complement this majestic view of sunrise. Basically, I have completed reading two books during my 2 weeks term holiday and I am rather glad that I manage to do it as in my other blog I said something about achieving a good balance between self-enrichment and enjoying the other aspects of life like going out with friends.

Let me start with the first book on Mr. Donald Trump real estate investment. I was attracted to it because of the influence that the show 'the apprentice' have in me. I would like to read up more about this interesting genius and what exactly is he dealing with. Before reading this book, I thought his job was to say "your fired" to somebody each week base on a certain weakness seen in that person, but never I get to see what made him the Mr. Trump that everybody revered about him now. As I read this book, the author who is a legal counsel for Mr. Trump and also co-acting as a business consultant in his real estate business has gave a valuable insight of Mr. Trump. He judged Mr. Trump as a person of enthusiasm, good negotiating power, the tenacity to extend himself to achieve something and building really good relationship with his business associates as invaluable character traits of Mr. Donald Trump. The main topic centered on how to be good small-time real estate investor as the author knows that there are not a lot of big players that will be reading his book - they would spend their time tending to their businesses and how else can they make more money. However, I wasn't really interested in that. Let's put the perspective of time frame to be yet. I am interested about the author enthusiasm that has a collateral effect on me which has really spark off an interest in the study of company law in me. How else to nail down the points clearly in a contract to substantially benefit yourself and prevent you from the unnecessary trouble later on in your business. Hence from the author, I am able to appreciate the finer arts of practising law. Unfortunately, I'm not into the law degree though I have some friends whom are taking law, maybe there can be a future partnership between us? Lets hope for the better and if I am to put it crudely, as you(the reader) and I are completely anonymous to each other, that these friends are invaluable to me and it would be good to maintain a good working and personal relationship with them.. To bring back our initial topic of discussion, I would like to bring back just one more point in this book review and that is the art of negotiation. I think I should task myself to learn more about negotiation as it is one of the rare piece of art that is not only interesting, but useful.

The next book that I would give my personal opinons on is 7 years to 7 figures. This book is unfortunately I have to say, not up to my expectations of borrowing and reading hte book. Some good points made in the book is the strategy to come up with a 7 figure salary is to prove yourself invaluable and find many ways to increase your income, so that you have mroe money to invest. Particularly, it made a point on leveraging. His argument that this is important because it actually brings, for what I eprceived as a virtually conceived ROI. High returns of 20% and above is possible if you use borrowed money to invest. I.e. Mortgage to finance a loan, business loan to finance a start-up, and to craft it to a student point of view, study loan for a education. Well, it will in fact bring about a higher percentage of your returns because in reality you are actually using a small portion of your oney to invest, the bigger pie of the captical is finance by the loans you manage to clinch from the banks and hence when the returns are completed absolutely, it is net off a smaller base figure of your own captial investment, thus what I term, "virtual ROI".

Another book that I am starting to read is Detox your finances by John middleton. I will be giving a review of it soon, once I finish it. Otherwise, you can see me writing less next week as I would be off in a camp in a rural part or in singaporean terms, "ulu" part of Singapore. :)
